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Need for Speed SHIFT

Coming September 17th, 2009 in Europe
Oct 1st, 2009 - PS3
Oct 2nd, 2009 - Xbox 360

“Adrenaline-packed” - IGN

“The most immersive, sensory racing game”; “A major step forward for all racing games” - Gamepro

“Expertly executed” - PlayStation: The Official Magazine

Need for Speed™ SHIFT is an award-winning authentic racing game that combines the true driver’s experience with real-world physics, pixel-perfect car models, and a wide range of authentic race tracks. Need for Speed SHIFT takes players in a different direction to create a simulation experience that replicates the true feeling of driving high-end performance cars.

Players are thrust into the loud, visceral, intense, athletic experience of racing a car on the edge of control from the driver’s perspective through the combination of perception based G-forces, the hyper reality of the cockpit view, and the brutal experience of a first person crash dynamic. Need for Speed SHIFT features an accurate, accessible physics-based driving model that allows you to feel every impact, every change of track surface and every last bit of grip as you push yourself to the edge.

The all-new driver profile is the ultimate extension of the true driver’s experience. This system gives each player a unique persona based on a player’s driving skill and style - aggressive or precise. Driver profile impacts how a player unlocks cars, overall career progression and online matchmaking. In Need for Speed SHIFT, how you drive is who you are behind the wheel.

Need for Speed SHIFT is being developed by Slightly Mad Studios in collaboration with Black Box and senior vice president Patrick Soderlund at EA Games Europe. Slightly Mad Studios includes developers and designers that worked on the critically acclaimed games GT Legends and GTR 2.

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Cara Membersihkan Virus Conficker Terbaru

Tanggal 1 April kemarin virus conficker aka downadup aka kido terbaru resmi dirilis. Jenis baru ini menurut perusahaan anti virus Rusia Kaspersky berbeda dengan varian sebelumnya. Conficker mendownload update untuk dirinya sendiri dari beberapa situs web yang berubah-ubah. Ia juga menggunakan jaringan lokal sebagai jalur tambahan untuk memperoleh update. Dan jangan lupa, conficker mempunyai mekanisme untuk mematikan fitur keamanan.

Seperti kita ketahui sebelumnya, conficker menyebar dengan memanfaatkan celah MS08-067 pada MsWindows. Pengguna yang belum mempatchnya (menambal) celah tersebut sangat rentan terkena virus ini. Update yang dilakukan Kido pada bulan Maret kemarin dan mulai aktifnya sistem baru pada 1 April 2009 pun dinilai makin menyulitkan. Apa yang dilakukan Kido, dengan menerima perintah melalui 50.000 domain acak per hari, membuat aksi sang penjahat sulit diprediksi. Padahal, jaringan komputer korban Kido alias Downadup ini bisa digunakan untuk melakukan serangan Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Selain itu, botnet tersebut bisa digunakan untuk melakukan aksi pencurian data dan menyebarkan spam.

Berikut cara-cara membersihkan virus conficker, dikutip dari sini:

Pembersihan di seluruh komputer dan server

  1. Instal patch dari Microsoft yang menutup celah MS08-067, MS08-068, MS09-001.
  2. Pastikan password akun administrator lokal tidak dapat diterka dengan mudah—password minimal harus terdiri dari 6 karakter yang merupakan perpaduan antara huruf kapital dan non-kapital, angka, serta karakter spesial seperti tanda baca.
  3. Matikan fitur yang menjalankan file dalam USB flash disk secara otomatis.

Peranti KKiller.exe dapat dijalankan secara lokal pada komputer yang sudah terinfeksi atau dijalankan secara remote dengan bantukan Kaspersky Administration Kit.

Untuk Menghapus Secara Lokal

  1. Unduh dan ekstrak paket itu ke sebuah folder dalam komputer yang sudah terinfeksi.
  2. Jalankan file KKiller.exe. Ketika scan sudah selesai, jendela command prompt bsia muncul pada layar monitor. Untuk me-minimize jendela itu, tekan sembarang ombol. Agar jendela itu ditutup secara otomatis, disarankan gar KKiller.exe dijalankan dengan parameter “-y”.
  3. Tunggu sampai proses scan selesai.Bila Agnitum Outpost Firewall terinstal pada komputer yang menjalankan KKiller.exe, restart setelah penggunaan KKiller.exe.
  4. Lakukan full scan pada komputer dengan Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Untuk Menghapus dengan Administration Kit

  1. Unduh dan ekstrak isinya ke dalam sebuah folder.
  2. Dalam konsol Administration Kit, buatlah paket instalasi untuk KKiller.exe. Dalam pengaturan paket instalasi, pilih “Make installation package for speficied executable file”.Pada kotak “Executable file command line (optional)” tulisan parameter “-y” agar jendela konsol tertutup secara otomatis setelah proses selesai.
  3. Buat task untuk instalasi jarak jauh yang dapat dilakukan secara global atau hanya grup tertentu. Jalankan task itu. KKiller.exe dapat dijalankan pada semua komputer dalam jaringan.
  4. Ketika KKiller.exe sudah selesai bekerja, scan setiap komputer menggunakan Kaspersky Anti-Virus.Kalau Agnitum Outpost Firewall terinstal pada komputer, restart PC setelah KKiller.exe digunakan. Untuk mendapat informasi tambahan, jalankan KKiller.exe dengan parameter tambahan “-help”.

Source : Read More..

Virus Handphone

Virus ini bukan menyerang komputer, tetapi handphone. Cara kerjanya sama dgn virus komputer. Virus ini berasal dari eropa.

Cara kerjanya :

  1. Handphone anda akan berdering dan menampakkan nama pd layar, antara lain : XXX, YYY, OOO, 123
  2. Bila anda menerima kode pd layar handphone seperti demikian, jangan diangkat/diterima, biarkan saja sampai deringnya mati sendiri.
  3. Setelah "missed Call" periksalah dalam daftaf call-register hp anda, anda akan mendapatkan huruf XXX, YYY, OOO, 123. Tanpa nama dan tanpa identitas lainnya.
  4. Kembali ke menu utama layar HP anda.
  5. Cobalah kembali ke call-register/missed call anda.
  6. Nomor aneh tersebut sudah hilang.....aneh bukan..!!

Jika anda menerima hal yg sedemikian, berarti seseorang sedang berusaha mengirimkan virus ke dalam HP anda.
Motif : biasanya si pelaku memilih korbannya secara acak, bisa orang dalam negeri sendiri atau bisa juga dari luar negeri. Mereka biasanya mendapatkan nomor HP anda , bila anda pernah memasukkan nomor HP via internet utk melakukan suatu registrasi e-mail atau konfirmasi pembayaran. setelah si pelaku berhasil memasukkan virus ke dalam HP anda, virus akan mengirimkan data identitas, No SIMCARD dan PIN anda (bila anda pelanggan GSM pascabayar) dan mengirimkan nomor PIN dan No SIMCARD anda (bila anda pelanggan GSM prabayar). dari data yg ia dapat, orang tersebut bisa menggunakan pulsa anda dari jarak jauh dan memakai identitas anda utk hal-hal yg buruk. Sehingga anda akan kehabisan pulsa secara mendadak atau perlahan (karena pulsa anda dipakai secara bersamaan dgn si pelaku).

Cara kerja virus :

  1. Virus yg berhasil masuk, akan segera menyerang simcard anda dan mengirimkan informasi yg berguna bagi si pelaku.
  2. Virus akan segera menguras pulsa anda.
  3. Virus akan berpindah ke software dalam HP anda
  4. Virus akan mengendap dan terus bercokol dalam Software HP anda, jadi jika anda akan berfikir utk mengganti SIMCARD,maka dgn segera virus akan menyerang SIMCARD baru anda.
  5. Setelah waktu tertentu Virus akan menjebol software anda, dan.........Tamatlah riwayat HP anda, karena tidak akan bisa dipergunakan dan diservis lagi.
  6. Gawatnya, bila HP anda tsb dihubungkan pada komputer/modem, maka virus tsb akan menyerang komputer anda.

Daerah yg sudah mewabah : Surabaya dan Bandung

Mungkin satu-satunya accecories yg bisa anda gunakan hanyalah Casing dan Bateray. Mudah-mudahan informasi ini berguna bagi mereka yg memiliki HP dan bagi mereka yg suka bermain SMS.

Source :

Original Source Malaya Intra media, Malaya design group

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Football Manager 2010

LONDON (August 12th, 2009) – Sports Interactive & SEGA Europe Ltd. can today announce that Football Manager™ 2010 for PC and Apple Macintosh, and Football Manager Handheld™ 2010 for Sony PSP will be released on October 30th.

Football Manager 2009 is the most successful in the Football Manager series to date, clocking up 22 weeks at No.1 in the UK (PC charts) and selling in excess of 1 million copies worldwide, as well as being voted the 2nd best video game of all time in a recent Radio 1 poll. According to data gathered from Football Manager 2009, people played the game for an average of 240 hours each. However, developer Sports Interactive has been made aware via the vibrant Football Manager community that the addition of big new features in the last few releases has come at the expense of attention to existing areas of the game and solving long standing issues.

With this in mind, Sports Interactive has spent the last year working closely with consumers and the Football Manager community to implement key improvements to this year’s game. Football Manager 2010 features new tools and changes across the board including some big additions to improve ease of use, navigation and feedback from the game with the introduction of a brand new match tactics system, the debut of a Match Analysis tool, a completely new look and new User Interface among other features.

“We have worked very hard with the Football Manager community to target not only the areas of the game that needed re-working but also what we could add to improve what’s already there. We’ve also conducted extensive usability studies which has led us to overhaul the whole presentation of the game, which we’re really excited about,” said Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at Sports Interactive. “There has been a lot of polish to existing areas of the game but it’s also driven us to introduce changes to answer some of the feedback. We’re very confident that having done that we will deliver the very best Football Manager to date in October.”

The introduction of a Tactics Creator makes it easier to instruct the team to play the way the manager wants, alongside the introduction of touchline ‘shouts’ and quick tactic changes for instantly altering your team’s playing style during the match. Working with coaches from various levels of football, alongside some of the Football Manager communities most respected independent tacticians, the game now has an extensive array of pre-set tactical options allowing the user to select a player’s role in the team (such as ‘Ball winning midfielder’ or ‘Deep lying playmaker’), however the option to use the old ‘slider’ controls remains.

Feedback from matches has been improved to give the user better insight into where their team is going wrong, or right. A new Match Analysis tool lets players see where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have been made on the field for all players on the pitch. Managers can view this analysis both live in-game and post match, allowing them to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of both their team and their opponent’s and adjust their tactics accordingly.

Football Manager 2010 features a brand new User Interface, with a light and a dark skin to choose from as part of a vibrant new look and has undergone a complete navigational overhaul. The side bar navigation of previous years has been replaced by an intuitive tab system at the top of the screen, making Football Manager’s famed depth easier to navigate and will make the game more accessible to new players.

A brand new Data Editor will allow the addition of new divisions to existing leagues and of entirely new leagues as well as making it easier than ever to keep the game up to date, and do so for free. The delivery of information to the manager has been refined with users now able to sign up to the News Centre, an in-game subscription based newspaper that lets you get the news that you want about the football world and filter out the stories that you do not need, making the football world as immersive as you want it to be.

Following the debut of a 3D match view in Football Manager 2009, this year’s release sees a revamp with improved AI, over 100 new animations for the 3D pitch view, new stadiums, crowds, realistic pitch degradation and better lighting, creating an even more realistic match experience.

Further new features will be announced via a series of blogs in the months leading up to the game’s October 30th release date which will ensure that Football Manager retains its position as the most realistic, most played, highest reviewed and best selling football management simulation in the world.

Football Manager Handheld 2010 also has a host of new features and improvements, including a brand new skin for the game and improved match engine AI.

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Virus Facebook

A worm responsible for sending Facebook users malicious code appears to be limited in nature, although the social engineering attack may be used again, say experts.

Facebook representative Barry Schnitt said the worm isn't new; it dates back to August, although the variant that first appeared on Wednesday targets only Facebook users.

Craig Schmugar, threat researcher for McAfee Avert Labs, confirmed this in a call with CNET News and said that, in general, Koobface strikes only social-networking sites.

After receiving a message in their Facebook in-box announcing, "You look funny in this new video" or something similar, recipients are then invited to click on a provided link. Once on the video site, a message says an update of Flash is needed before the video can be displayed. The viewer is prompted to open a file called flash_player.exe.

A new mass-mailing virus targeting Facebook users directs victims to a site asking to download a Trojan masked as an Adobe Flash update.

(Credit: McAfee Avert Labs)

Schmugar said the prompt for a new player should be a warning. "The messages you tend to get from these sites don't look quite right." For instance, IE will tell you where the update is coming from, and usually it's not an Adobe site.

If the viewer approves the Flash installation, Koobface attempts to download a program called tinyproxy.exe. This loads a proxy server called Security Accounts Manager (SamSs) the next time the computer boots up. Koobface then listens to traffic on TCP port 9090 and proxies all outgoing HTTP traffic. For example, a search performed on Google, Yahoo, MSN, or may be hijacked to other, lesser-known search sites.

Schmugar said this version of Koobface includes a bot-like component that could install other malicious apps at a later time.

Facebook's Schnitt said, "Only a very small percentage of Facebook users have been affected and we're working quickly to update our security systems to minimize any further impact, including resetting passwords on infected accounts, removing the spam messages, and coordinating with third parties to remove redirects to malicious content elsewhere on the Web."

Facebook has posted instructions on how to remove the infection.

McAfee's Schmugar said this attack is similar to e-mail attacks 10 years ago in that Koobface is using infected friends lists, reminiscent of early mass-mailing worms. As was the recommendation then, he advises users not to open any unexpected e-mail attachments, even if they are from someone you know.

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JAKARTA, - Opera Mini 5 Beta bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik browser web untuk smartphone atau ponsel-ponsel berbasis Java. Software gratis ini sudah dilengkapi fitur-fitur akses internet secara mobile yang makin senyaman akses di komputer seperti menyediakan tab, speed dial, dan password manager.

Dengan tab, banyak alamat web dapat dibuka secara bersamaan misalnya membuka alamat Facebook, Twitter,, dan Google. Pengguna tinggal berpindah dari satu alamat ke alamat lain dengan bebas tanpa harus meninggalkan alamat yang dibuka sebelumnya. Apalagi tak ada batasan berapa halaman yang bisa dibuka.

Speed dial menampilkan 9 thumnail alamat web pilihan pengguna di halaman depan saat browser aktif. Fitur ini memudahkan akses ke halaman-halaman populer atau yang paling sering dikunjungi dengan lebih cepat karena hanya menge-klik thumbail tersebut tanpa harus mengetik alamat webnya.

Opera Mini 5 Beta juga sudah mendukung password manager yang akan menyimpan alamat login dan password pengguna ke berbagai situs. Dengan fitur ini, browsing ke situs yang meminta identitas dan password seperti email, situs sosial, dan forum dapat dilakukan lebih cepat tanpa mengetik ulang.

Selain fitur-fitur tersebut, Opera Mini 5 Beta juga hadir dengan penampilan baru yang lebih segar. Didesain untuk nyaman dipakai pada perangkat berbasis keypad maupun layar sentuh, navigasinya menggunakan panel khusus. Panel tersebut menyediakan tombol ke speed dial, back, next, reload, dan shut down. Pada bagian tengah juga terdapat menu untuk setting, bookmark, history, saved pages, find in page, dan help.

Di halaman muka juga langsung tersedia menu pencarian Google untuk mempercepat melakukan pencarian. Namun, tak ada pilihan mengubah warna tema dasar seperti versi sebelumnya.

Untuk mendapatkan software ini download saja secara langsung dengan mengetik di browser web yang sudah Anda pakai. Opera Mini 5 Beta tidak akan me-replace versi sebelumnya sehingga Anda bisa membanding-bandingkan keandalannya.(WAH)
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The main innovation of the next phase of Fifa Manager held for the arrival of online mode. This method is free and will play a whole season in two or three hours. Note that the matches are held only in text mode in order, according to the developers of Bright Future, to ensure speed to play parts in this mode can accommodate up to eight players competing in incorporating the elements of first divisions from forty different countries. In a first step would be to establish the details of different games on the server and Electronic Arts, this is done, you can start immediately in the course of the season. The points collected and the rewards obtained in terms of victories will be stored on the server to create a global ranking of all players.

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